Art Hanging Systems

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Museums and art hanging systems

Art hanging systems have been used by museums for years as a safe way to display and preserve artwork.


Experts in art museums adore employing cutting-edge hanging methods that provide greater versatility and protection for artwork, such as museum hanging systems.

Museums and art hanging systemsMuseums and art hanging systems

Picture Rail Hanging System

The picture rail hanging system is one of the hanging techniques most often utilized in museums nowadays. With this approach, the artwork is supported by wires or rods that are strung from a track that is placed to the wall or the ceiling. This makes it simple to move and alter the artwork's height without causing any damage to the walls. Since its invention in the 19th century, picture rail hanging systems have been frequently implemented in museums.


Benefits of Art Hanging SystemsBenefits of Art Hanging Systems

Benefits of Art Hanging Systems

There are several advantages to using art hanging systems in museums. First, these systems offer a safe and secure method of showcasing artwork while shielding it from degradation and damage.

Second, they make it simple to change the artwork's height and placement, which facilitates exhibition planning for curators.

Thirdly, because art hanging systems allow artworks to be hung closer together than if they were only placed on walls, more artworks may be shown in a given area.

Last but not least, picture rail hanging systems produce a more polished and visually appealing exhibition by making the artwork the main attraction rather than the hanging gear.

Benefits Of Hanging Systems


Overall, art hanging systems have been crucial in the advancement of museum exhibition methods, providing curators with the ability to arrange artwork in a way that is secure, adaptable, and aesthetically pleasing. These systems continue to evolve and improve, ensuring that the artwork is always shown in the best possible way.

Safe, Versatile, and Visually Appealing