THINK Technology Museum Hangs with the Best

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Sophia Loren, in describing the ideal design of a woman's dress, could have been describing the ideal hanging system when she declared,

A woman's dress should be like a barbed wire fence:
Serving its purpose without obstructing the view.

Museums offer insights into multifaceted cultures, history, and special interests and subject matter of all types.
Presenting materials in their purest form, without hindering, obstructing, or distracting the view is very important to the exhibit curator and visitor alike.

This technology museum chose to use our Click Rail Track to effectively achieve both of these goals.



Questions & Answers

My conversation with Mr. Turri of THINK Museum shared these answers to my questions:

ASH: What caused you to needthe museum system?
MT: We mounted this exhibition as part of our Master's Thesis at Stanford. We needed a simple, elegant, discreet way to hang various printed materials and photographs.

THINK Museum uses Click Rail System by AS Hanging Systems for large wall display

Easy and Versatile Wall Display


ASH: What were the determining factors for choosing the Click Rail System?
MT: Aesthetics, weight handling, installation ease and range of available accessories.

ASH: What was your experience during the installation process using our products?
MT: Having never installed any sort of rail system, we were pleased by the ease with which we were able to achieve very professional quality results.


Ease of installation

Easy and Versatile Wall Display

Click Rail Track Installed

THINK Museum uses Click Rail System by AS Hanging Systems for window display


ASH: Has this system proven to meet your anticipated needs and provided the solution you were hoping for?
MT: Everything worked very well.

ASH: Would you recommend this system, or AS Hanging Display Systems products in general, to others?
MT: Yes and I already have.

ASH: How would you rate the customer service/shipping/etc.?
MT: Highest, although no problems were encountered.


THINK Museum uses Click Rail System by AS Hanging Systems for entrance display

Thanks so much to the folks at THINK Museum for sharing your story. We're so pleased that you're satisfied with the results and in the ease at which your display came together. Thank you for sharing your efforts with us. From a Ms. Loren's perspective, it is very possible that hanging systems and a woman's dress have very much in common.

Do you have a project that requires understated and discreet support?

If you have questions or would like to learn more about how the museum system can be beneficial in your project, please contact our Customer Support at or give us a call at 866 935-6949 (toll free) or at our local number 450 619-7999. When you hang with AS Hanging Display Systems, you Hang with the Best®


Explore our Picture Hanging Systems build of tracks, cables and hooks.

We offer picture hanging hardware for your residential, commercial and institutional projects.