Use Crown Molding AS a Picture Hanging System
Want to highlight the transition between walls and ceiling, crown molding adds character to even the plainest rooms. Use crown as a picture hanging system. Show off your artistic side! Hang a single picture frame or a gallery wall without damaging your walls or your crown molding. These solutions will help you create an eye-catching display.
If your moldings are not yet installed, the Deco Rail is the perfect Picture Rail Molding is mounted directly behind crown molding. The Deco Rail Track becomes completely invisible, while still offering all the advantages of a flexible Picture Hanging System. Add and rearrange wall decoration in a second!
There are many different styles of crown moldings, and the Deco Rail Track can be installed behind every type or crown material.
Hanging cables may be inserted into the Picture Rail Molding behind the cornice at any desired location, making the hanging and changing wall decorations easy and quick without damaging the wall.
AS Hanging Display Systems has developed a series of integrated Systems, which can be new build or in renovations. These systems offer huge advantages to end users: a versatile and easy-to-use hanging system available throughout the entire space.
Create displays and decors quickly and easily without damaging walls and without additional cost. This also results in considerable steps towards sustainable building management and cost savings.
Wooden Picture Rail
Our picture molding hanger is perfect to display framed art, pictures, etc., from existing crown molding. Exploits your architectural building details.
Picture molding hangers will let you easily create a wall display. Many buildings built between the 1880s and the 1920s incorporate a wooden picture rail. This crown molding typically is placed on all walls of a room and was the original idea from which hanging systems evolved.
We offer hangers to adapt our modern fittings to this century-old wooden picture rail. Ours come in two sizes and three finishes. They are made of steel and are to be mated with a Loop End Cable/Cord.
Crown Molding IdeAS
Another option is the Click Rail Track. Install it below your existing crown molding to hang your objects and paintings without ever damaging the walls. In addition, the Click Rail Track blends perfectly in the decor and perfectly completes the existing moldings.