Cable Trim Kit - United States

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Art & Picture Hanging Systems

Professionally trim AS cables without fraying them. Our wire cutters are optimized to cut steel wire. This kit contains a wire cutter, tubes of specialty adhesive and instructions. In StockIN STOCK

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$20.80 /ea.
  • Includes : Wire rope cutter, single use tubes (5x) of specialty adhesive and instructions.
  • Works with : Cables

Product details

This kit is especially formulated to help the user make professional cuts in AS Hanging cables. Wire cutters and cable cutters commonly found at DIY centers and in tool chests are optimized to cut copper or mild steel wire. Avoid fraying your steel cables while trimming to length. This kit contains a quality grade wire cutter, tubes of specialty adhesive and instructions on how to deploy the adhesive before making the cut. Use with stainless or galvanized cables only.

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  • SKU U5150AA
  • Includes Wire rope cutter, single use tubes (5x) of specialty adhesive and instructions.
  • Works with Cables
  • Legacy Systems Families Not Applicable
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Cable Trim Kit - United States