The reliance of evidence based design goals and patient centered care products incorporated into healthcare facilities is having an impact on product selection.
Patient care healthcare environments are helping patients and families cope better with illness, accelerate healing process and increase patient satisfaction.
Over-trained staff manages Get Well Cards
Get Well Cards accumulate and are displayed on the small patient table from which food maybe delivered, meds issued and lab samples drawn!
That surface is overused and being a platform for Get Well cards is relatively unimportant in this critical area (Medication Safety Zone).
The cards often get moved to the bed or get stacked on the table by staff – and they also frequently fall to the floor.
Staff returns them to that same bed side table and the cycle restarts!
Casso Display Rail installed on the head wall ends the cycle!
Throughout Healthcare Facilities
Casso Display Rail can be used throughout healthcare facilities: outside entry doors, hallways, staff environments, in room or within units.
It becomes a display area enabling occupants and staff to post pictures, get well cards, greeting cards, news clippings, etc.
It is so simple and easy to use that patients will engage it almost immediately. Simple. Safe.
For example, in Critical Care rooms it can be mounted to footwall. Get well cards are up and out of the way but always within reach of visitors and patients.
However, most importantly it provides patients a continuous visual engagement, thus improving patient satisfaction!
Simple. Engaging.
Ingenious product and sleek design
The clever design of the Casso Display Rail allows for easily displaying paper, laminated sheets and thin-board items, up to 1/16-in. (2 mm) thick. This design avoids internal rollers that have a tendency to jam.
Casso® Display Rail never tear pages upon removal!
Simply insert from below and move on!
Available in three colors: Silver, White and Black.
2 feet version is perfect for a door face or next to a desk.
6 feet is great for exterior walls or head/foot wall found in healthcare environments.
This product was designed to assist the EDAC world community and its recipients. Additionally, this product and its attachments are OSH-PD compliant.
To discover
more about our
Casso Display Rail
If you have questions or would like to learn more about how our products can be beneficial in your project, please contact our Customer Support at, or give us a call at 866 935-6949 (toll free).
When you hang with AS Hanging Display Systems, you Hang with the Best®